Given the Covid-19 pandemic, I have switched to remote consultations, so you can now engage in psychotherapy sessions by Zoom or by phone . For more information contact me on 086-3084061 or .
Why The Mental Health Service Needs Updating-My article in A Lust for Life
Why the Mental Health System Needs to be Updated- My View in A Lust for Life
The Best Gift to Give Yourself is Authenticity. My view on why in the Irish Times.
The Best Gift of All is Authenticity… Find out why in my article in The Irish Times
Is Selfie Culture Impacting Mental Health? My View in the Irish Independent
Selfie Culture-Is it Impacting Mental Health?
The Need for Mental Fitness Training for Body Building Teens
Why and how to speak to children about Porn
Body Image and how to Mind Adolescent Mental Health
A link to an article in Niall Breslin’s A Lust For Life