*Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Psychotherapy and Assessment appointments are available online.
Mental Health
About Anne
As a passionate advocate for adolescent mental health, I have developed a strategy for parents who wish to prepare their children to manage well on social media. How does the strategy work? It focuses on their mental fitness. My book is available to buy on Amazon.
I am a Systemic Psychotherapist and a Section 47 and Section 32 assessor for the Family Courts. I am accredited with the Family Therapy Association of Ireland (FTAI) and the Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP). I work in private practice in Skerries and Rush, North Co Dublin. I work with adults, adolescents and children who may be experiencing anxiety, depression, eating disorders, relationship difficulties, self-esteem issues, post-traumatic stress or suicidal ideation. I work with couples and adults in relation to sexual difficulties and porn addiction.
I am strongly influenced by ideas relating to Narrative Therapy and Social Constructionism. Because of this, my basic beliefs are that all people are experts on their own lives and while I have expertise in the area of my work, clients are the most expert in relation to their own life. With that in mind, therapy is very much a job myself and clients embark on together when we start to resolve whatever they wish to resolve. Beginning Psychotherapy is not necessarily easy but neither at times, for any of us, is life.Psychotherapy can really make a massive difference in so many ways. You do not need to be hopeful of success in order to begin the therapeutic journey. You only need to be ready to begin. As the esteemed and brilliant poet, Brendan Kennelly has said… “In a world that dreams of ending, that always seems about to give in, something that will not acknowledge conclusion, insists that we forever begin.’ Begin or not………..It’s always a choice
Section 47 and Section 32 Reports
Sometimes, when a family is engaged in a Court process, perhaps because of a separation or an issue regarding custody or access, the Court can request a Section 47 Assessment and Report or a Section 32 Assessment and Report be carried out, in order to determine what the best interest of the child or children are.
In carrying out such an assessment, I am very mindful of what a difficult process this can be for parents as well as for children and I would engage therapeutically with families to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. My background in Systemic practice means that I am very aware of family dynamics and how each person in a family can be influenced by and influential of other family members. My expertise in the area of attachment makes it possible for me to assess how a child’s attachment can best be protected and enhanced by decisions made by the Court. Also, having lectured in TCD in the area of ‘The Impact of Organisations on Individuals’ I have a keen awareness of how the Court as an Organisation or Institution can impact on family life.
Family life can be difficult when the family are involved in litigation. However, I feel it is possible to work in collaboration with families in order to ascertain the best interest of the children, even when tensions and disagreements are present. I know that collaborative practice is what will work best for the child and I know also that parents want what’s best for the children too. Going through the Court can be a stressful time for families. That does not in any way undermine the potential for families to work together with me in order to best protect the welfare of children.
Here’s a link that you may find useful if you are looking for further information on section 47 reports
Information on where Section 47 Reports fit in the law. Here’s a link that you may find useful if you are looking for further information on Section 32 reports www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2015/act/9/section/63/enacted/en/html
COVID-19 Notice ***
Given the Covid-19 pandemic, I have switched to remote consultations, so you can now engage in psychotherapy sessions by Zoom or by phone . For more information contact me on 086-3084061 or mccormack.anne@gmail.com .
Keeping children safe on sleepovers
Here is a link to an article by Geraldine Gittens in the Irish Independent that I contributed to in relation to raising awareness about some of the dangers associated with children being on sleepovers.
The bigger picture – talking to young people about sexual violence #MeToo
Here is a link to an article that I wrote which was published on A Lust for Life website on the topic of speaking to our young people about sexual violence:
7 simple steps to help keep your children safe online
Here is a link to my article in the Irish Times written to mark internet safety day:
Why The Mental Health Service Needs Updating-My article in A Lust for Life
Why the Mental Health System Needs to be Updated- My View in A Lust for Life http://www.alustforlife.com/the-bigger-picture/systems-change-time-for-an-evolution-of-our-mental-health-system
The Best Gift to Give Yourself is Authenticity. My view on why in the Irish Times.
The Best Gift of All is Authenticity… Find out why in my article in The Irish Times http://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/health-family/get-real-this-season-give-yourself-the-gift-of-authenticity-1.2879061
Is Selfie Culture Impacting Mental Health? My View in the Irish Independent
Selfie Culture-Is it Impacting Mental Health? http://www.independent.ie/style/voices/selfie-society-are-the-kardashians-ruining-womanhood-35201655.html